torstai 7. huhtikuuta 2011

Júnior Mesquita "Muri":n mietteitä salikulttuurista

Barreto Jiu Jitsun Júnior Mesquita "Muri" kirjoitti hyvän jutun Facebook sivulleen ja sain luvan kopioida sen tänne:

While we're waiting for the Muri BJJ website to open, here's a first article from the website for you guys to read! Feel free to leave a comment!
-Muri BJJ-

Atmosphere in the Gym.

Nowadays, is really common to hear the expression: ” Atmosphere in the gym”, but what does that mean?

Well, actually many things can describe the so said ”Atmosphere”, but the mainly point is what the Atmosphere can mean to you!

In fact, before we go trough the theme, let´s check some information that I got from my 21 year of experience on martial arts (including: Karate, capoeira, kick boxing, boxing, muay Thai, judo an Brazilian Jiu-jitsu) about the different reasons to go, and to stay in a martial art gym.

According to that experience I could observe that for 90% of the people who are searching for a martial art gym, they are looking for a hobby in their lifes, and that can represent: get fit, hang out with new friends, or just the simple pleasure to try something new. For only 5 to 8% of people who are looking for some new martial art gym, are looking for a competitive action. Its doesn´t mean, that part of that 90% in the future can not get the interest in competing, and the other 2 to 5% missing on my accounts of the gym population; well, they can be there for professional obligation, and some another reasons like self-defense confidence, etc.

But the truth is: ONLY 5 to 8% of the population in martial arts are looking for the stress of competing. I´m not talking about the feeling of competition, that is inherent of all sport, but the stress of high level competition that mean: hard work out, diet, going over you own limits, etc. Those feelings of stress, are normally accepted for people who are training themselves to reach results in competition, and they are looking for getting this kind of stress, that gonna be combined with the adrenaline of competition, and gonna make the pleasure of success even better! But this ”stress” is applicable in only 5 to 8% of the martial art population, so what about the others? Well, now is the time to start talking about the ” Atmosphere”.

In a general way, the atmosphere inside a gym is the mixed of feelings and actions that people get while going to the gym. So, the atmosphere can be good or bad, making all the difference in the results for all the different reasons to be there, since the person who is there just for hobby until the high level competitor. But the way of keeping the good atmosphere that will be the biggest difference and the hard part for the gym leaders.

Like said before, the ”stress” caused by the competition, gonna be good for the small group of guys who are focused on competing, but they gonna be extremely stressful for the majority part of the gym (the 90% said before). And this is, in my opinion, one of the most common mistakes caused by the coaches, who are not able to understand that, and not being able to keep the differences between his athletes.

So, this was the first listed reason for the ”bad atmosphere” in a gym, but for sure not the only one. Another big problem that can change the atmosphere to a bad one, is what you talk and what you listen in the gym, and everything starts from the higher ranked guys, like coaches and more experienced students. Specially when they try to get the respect from being rude or aggressive with the others, and we all know that this is not the best way to get respect, otherwise all the military governments would have succeeded.

The useless talking can be also a good reason of changing Atmosphere, specially about politic, religion, or some another kind of opinion that is not related to the gym and nobody will never find a universal common sense. But even in the subject related of martial arts we need to pay attention in what we talk about, and to do not get so deep in to this, let´s make clear something: There is no best martial art, it just depends of what are you looking for, I have been practicing a lot of different ones and I could learn a lot and get a lot of good things and friends for all of them. So the trash talking about: ”my martial art is better than yours” will never take you anywhere, specially if it´s about MMA, because we all know that there is no best fight, but best fighter, and you need to be ready for all situation in the ring/ cage. And that´s why I have made so many friends and so many different martial arts, and I´m sure about the importance of each one.

And the most easy and efficient way to get into a good atmosphere in the gym is the old saying: ” What you give is what you get”. So it´s not that hard to understand that if you give respect, you gonna get it back, if you show friendship is what you get back, and all good things that the gym atmosphere can provide to you

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