tiistai 30. joulukuuta 2008

BJJ Junnut - Treeni-frame ver. 2

Lämmittely - noin 10 min, BJJ:tä tukevaa ja pelejä huvitukseksi ja liian energian poistamiseksi...

Lämmitelyssä lopuksi käy läpi päivän posture ja otetaan minuutin erät sen pitämistä.


3 i's -> Introduction, Isolation, Integration

i#1: Konseptin / Tekniikan esittely:

  1. Use little to no resistance when introducing the move.
  2. Encourage verbal communication between training partners.
  3. Make sure the movement can be done properly without resistance before proceeding to the drill stage, which always incorporates resistance.
  4. Stick the fundamentals of the delivery system being taught.
  5. Introduce the movements in the order in which they occur in an Alive roll.
  6. Remember the habits you want your students to develop, and emphasize these points by organizing the order in which you introduce the material, and the amount of time you spend on each piece.
  7. Don’t create problems for your students before they arise naturally on the mat.
  8. Observe and listen to the conversations on the mat to make sure everyone is getting it.
  9. End with a question and answer period for anyone who still may have a question about the material you just introduced.

i#2 Konseptin / Tekniikan "eristäminen":

Drilli tyyppejä jotka auttavat eristämään harjoiteltavan asian:

  1. Objective - Esim. Ohita guardi
  2. Eristäminen - Ohita guardi käyttämällä Toreador-ohitusta
  3. Call Out - Edellisten yhdistelmä, missä ohjaaja huutaa/käskee käytettävän tekniikan samalla kun yritetään ohittaa.

  • Make sure everyone is using progressive resistance. Conversation about this topic, designating the coach for the round, and matching people up can all help facilitate this.
  • Keep everyone working throughout the round. The time for conversations and questions is now over. Everyone can evaluate the movements and ask questions again after the drill period has ended.
  • As a coach one of your top priorities is the safety of the people on your mat. So keep your eyes and ears open, and pay attention to what is occurring during the drills.

i#3 Tekeniikan / konseptin integroiminen

  1. Give time at the end of the class for the students to roll, or spar.
  2. Use this period to put the material you worked in class back into the context of the overall game you are playing. And take the time to go through that context.
  3. Leave a short period at the end of class for a general question and answer period where students feel free to ask any questions they may have. And encourage critical thinking, and problem solving.

Lähde: Matt Thorton - Aliveness

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